The Dream - "In the future we plan to get a grand piano for this area,
because of the children's music and how much they enjoy that."
As stated in earlier news, a polished ebony Wyman grand piano was featured on the new show "16 Children and Moving In" on the TLC Channel. You can read more about it on the news page.
Here, you can download and see excerpts from the show including a scene where the family is gathered around their new Wyman grand piano. There are a few different versions of these clips provided for a wide range of internet connections and computer users. Each of these files are compressed into a zip file. Before you can watch them you will need to click on the link to download the file, save it to your computer, and then open it up. If you have problems opening these files please read the bottom sections for help.
- Click on one of these files to download them to your computer:
- Low Quality: This movie clip is good if have a low speed internet connection.
- You can download this file if you don't have DIVX/XviD/MPEG4 viewer, or for some other reason need a smaller, lower quality video file. On the other hand, if you have a good connection and are willing to download a free (and safe) video plugin, the medium and high quality files are better. If you need help, check out the tips below.
- Medium Quality: This movie clip is good for medium speed internet connections.
- To play these medium quality clips, you must have XviD, DIVX, or some other MPEG4 decoder. You can download the decoder for free. See below for more information.
- High Quality: This high quality movie clip should be downloaded if you have a fast internet connection.
- To play these high quality clips, you must have XviD, DIVX, or some other MPEG4 decoder. You can download the decoder for free. See below for more information.

- Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting:
- If the video is stopping and starting too much, first try Right-Clicking on the download link and Save the file to your Hard Disk Drive first.
- If you are having trouble getting the Low Quality movie file to play, you may need to update your Windows Media Player to Verison 9 or Version 11.
- In order to get the XviD / DIVX based quality versions to play, you will need a video plugin to handle this video type. XviD is free, open source, and doesn't come with any kind of "extra garbage" like spyware. Download the installation file, run it, and when you are done you should be able to double click on the .avi file and it should play in your media player.
- If you are still having problems getting one of these video files to
play, please send a detailed email message explaining what you have tried
and what error or results you are getting to:
tcn (-at sign here-) usa.com